Europe Buses Cluj-Napoca

Website of the vehicle supplier Europe Buses Cluj-Napoca!

The street vehicle bureau Europe Buses Cluj-Napoca is a trademark founded by the European tour operator City Tours Europe, operated by City Tours GmbH, Rosaliagasse 19/6, A-1120 Wien, Austria, VAT-ID ATU66115401. In co-operation with a large number of bus charter companies from next to Cluj-Napoca, our agency wants to provide you with coaches, minivans and cars for your displacements from and to Cluj-Napoca. Besides this, our quality vehicles can also transport your passengers to all destinations within Cluj County and anywhere in Romania.

Make your choice between street vehicles with conductor within Cluj-Napoca and in other parts of Cluj County

Our team invites you to cherry-pick between the complete range of bus classes. Whatever you go for, we can offer you to safeguard to deploy high quality buses from Cluj County for your ride. It doesn't matter whether you book just a quick bus ride, or a cross-border bus tour, our customer care department is longing to come up with a professional price quotation for your bus booking with a driver in Cluj-Napoca. And we wait to respond to your questions about a coach order in Cluj-Napoca by mail at .

Buses booking in Cluj-Napoca


Coach charter in Cluj County



These kinds of means of transportation are available for hiring with our coach hire platform

Dependent on the passenger count, our charter bus agency proposes you many sizes of limousines, minivans and buses for rent in Cluj-Napoca. Especially, we rent out all of the following transportation means accompanied by a reliable driver:

Limousines, cars and sedans with driver from Cluj-Napoca: For tiny travel parties who need a normal car, a vintage car, or a luxury automobile, we can offer you to help you charter a small street vehicle with a driver at any location in Cluj-Napoca. With equal pleasure, we can also take you to any destination in Miercurea Ciuc, Miercurea Ciuc, Vynohradiv , Sebeș, Odorheiu Secuiesc, and to other places anywhere in Europe.

Tiny and small coaches with driver from Cluj-Napoca and Cluj County: Focussing medium and small travelling parties, we recommend hiring of medium and small buses with conductor in Cluj-Napoca. Moreover, our vehicles can also be chartered for travelling to Bistrița-Năsăud County, Sălaj County, Bihor County, Mureș County, Alba County, and Maramureș County, and for trips to all other countries in Europe.

Ordinary buses with driver in Cluj-Napoca and entire Cluj County: For big traveller groups, we will happily rely upon full-grown coaches and double-decker motorcoaches with motorist for journeys in Cluj-Napoca as well as in all cities and places of Romania. Apart from this, you and your guests can command our modern coaches for cross-border transfers beyond the borders of Cluj County, by way of example to any destination of your choice in Sălaj County, Maramureș County, Bistrița-Năsăud County, Mureș County, Alba County, and Bihor County, or anywhere else in Europe.